News |Benro launches new 100mm filter holder systems

Benro launches new 100mm filter holder system


Benro has announced the FH100M2, a new patented 100mm square filter holder system with a geared height adjustment mechanism for fine-tuning your composition.

The Benro FM100M2 is designed for use with both the 100 x 100mm and 100 x 150mm filters.

It also allows users to fit a screw-in polariser to the holder, which you can then adjust from the side of the holder so that you don’t have to remove the filters that are already in place.

Benro has also launched new 100mm, 150mm & 170mm square filter systems in both resin and glass.

The resin filter range includes soft and hard graduated ND filters – from 2 to 4-stop – plus a 4 stop ND filter.

The glass filter range includes soft, hard and reverse graduated ND filters – from 2 to 5-stop – plus two neutral density filters in 6 and 10-stop strength.

All 100mm filters will be stock items, Benro says, with the 150mm and 170mm options available by special order.

The Benro Resin 100×150 grad will be priced £45, while the Glass 100×100 10-stop ND and Glass 100×150 grad will be priced £100 and £130, respectively.

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