News |Datacolor launches PhotograpHER campaign to celebrate women in photographys

Datacolor launches PhotograpHER campaign to celebrate women in photography

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Datacolor has announced a new campaign and competition to celebrate women in photography, with a top prize of a Canon EOS 60D and EF 28mm f/1.8 USM lens.

Datacolor’s PhotograpHER competition runs until 31 May, and entrants are asked to tell the story of who and/or what inspires their photography.

You can enter on the Datacolor website, and judges will select a winner along with 10 runners up. Prizes include:

Grand Prize
Canon EOS 60D DSLR
Canon Lens – EF 28mm f/1.8 USM
PhotograpHER Tote Bag
Alex And Ani – In a Flash – Charm Bracelet
$50 Shutterfly Gift Card
Datacolor Spyder5CAPTURE PRO – Color Calibration Bundle

Runner-up Packages (10 available)
PhotograpHER Tote Bag
Alex And Ani – In a Flash – Charm Bracelet
$50 Shutterfly Gift Card
Datacolor Spyder5PRO Display Calibration

Datacolor says its PhotograpHER campaign is borne of the Women in Photography panel at The Photography Show which revealed that some 80% of photography students in the UK are women, while the audiences of global photography magazines are typically 75-80% men.

As part of its campaign, Datacolor is inviting women photographers who are part of its Friends with Vision programme to share stories about their career in photography.

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