News |Nikon D850 can produce same image quality at double the ISO of D810, Nikon sayss

Nikon D850 can produce same image quality at double the ISO of D810, Nikon says

Nikon D850 Price & Release Date

The Nikon D850 can produce the same level of image quality at twice the ISO setting of the D810, according to Nikon.

It’s a bold statement, and one that we and many others will surely test, and comes from a meeting between journalists from Imaging Resource and Nikon executives at the company’s Japanese headquarters.

What Nikon is saying is that it believes the D850 can produce the same level of image quality at ISO 3200 that the D810 produces at ISO 1600. And so on.

Imaging Resource reports: “While they didn’t attribute it to the BSI sensor, Nikon told us that the D850 should produce the same image quality (both JPEG and RAW) at twice the ISOs as the D810, a full-stop improvement.

“That is, the D850 at its top “native” ISO of 25,600 should deliver the same image quality as the D810 did at ISO 12,800. If true, that’s a pretty significant improvement.”

You can read the full Imaging Resource interview here.

Via PetaPixel

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