Flickr has announced a redesign of its users’ profile pages, introducing a new Flickr About page with a range of customisable options.
Chief among the new Flickr About page is what’s called the Showcase Section, where users can select up to 25 images to display in any particular order. You can also title and edit the display as if it was a portfolio of your best work.
What’s more, Flickr will now let you publicly display your most popular photos, a feature that used to only be visible to you. You can also filter these images by Most Commented, Most Viewed or Most Faved. You can also set this section to only be visible to you if you don’t want the world to see.
Other features include a section to update your bio directly on the page, and the ability to link out to other sites where you may feature your work, such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, among others.