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Analogue WonderBox 35mm subscription service launches

Analogue WonderBox

Dust off your old film camera the Analogue WonderBox 35mm film subscription service has arrived. 

Around the UK there must be millions of perfectly good 35mm film cameras, lenses and accessories ready to re-primed and brought back into action. 

The new Analogue WonderBox service is aimed at all those photographers who want to experience the wonder of film and the unique experience that it offers. 

But why in the age of digital bring back film, especially a subscription service?

Back in the day, film was big business; photographic trade shows we’re dominated, not by the camera manufacturers, but by those companies producing film and print services. 

In a short time digital all but wiped out the trade, boxes full of thousands of canisters of film were no longer being dropped off at new desks, collages, councils and all manner of businesses as digital compact cameras and then the mobile phone killed off the trade. 

But, there are still many that want to know the fine art of film, the inconstancies, the skill and knowledge that’s required to gain a perfect print and that’s why there’s a need for a new wave of film services. 

Where do you start?

Many of us might still have our darkroom equipment carefully stored, but where do you start, where can you locate the perfect film stock these days and whats available?

What if you’ve been given a camera, someone’s pride and joy and you too want to experience the fun and creativity that the only film can bring?

It would help if you had a club, community and friends that you could meet, online or in groups of six or less of course. There you could discuss the latest fine films, or ask where and how to get started, and that’s where Analogue WonderBox comes in. 

Like any good wine or book club, the team at Analogue WonderBox have tried and tested a wide selection of films from colour, black and white, slide, infrared and redscale all chosen to help build your knowledge and to enable you to get to grips with what the medium has to offer. 

Here are just a few of the key points of the service:

Get six films with your post every two months for just Ā£50: less than

Ā£6/week. Shipped in our letterbox-friendly and recyclable packaging.

P&P is included within the UK!

All our subscribers get the same three films for each month to learn

together. Subscribers will get to experience a mix of colour, B&W, creative,

infrared, slide, converted cine film and rare editions – all 35mm format.

We email you each week with some information about one of the month’s films – along with tips and tricks for getting the best from its unique look!

Expand your creative options with knowledge and experimentation.

We run an ongoing competition open only to subscribers, with prizes every month, for people to share their favourite photos and experiences with recent WonderBox films.

September Films

ā— Dubblefilm Bubblegum

ā— Ilford Pan F

ā— Rollei 400S

 October Films 

ā— Bergger Pancro 400

ā— Lomo Metropolis

ā— Kodak Ultramax With the subscription box available to buy from:Ā 

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