News |Moment releases 37mm Cine filters for smartphoness

Moment releases 37mm Cine filters for smartphones

Moment releases 37mm Cine filters for smartphones

Moment has announced a new set of 37mm Cine filters designed for use with smartphone cameras, directly on their native lenses.

The mobile photography accessory manufacturer has designed its new Cine filter set to be used with its existing range of smartphone cases. The filter sets come with a mount that attaches to the Moment cases and allows you to attach the filters to your phone’s lens.

On their own, the 37mm Cine CPL filter set, including the mount, costs $50. An ND Cine ND filter set costs $40. You can get a bundle that includes both for a few pennies shy of $100.

Moment says its new CPL and ND Cine filters are scratch-resistant and boast anti-reflective, colour-corrective coatings.

For more information, visit Moment’s website.

Via DPReview

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