News |Meyer-Optik Goerlitz unveils Nocturnus 75mm f/0.95 lenss

Meyer-Optik Goerlitz unveils Nocturnus 75mm f/0.95 lens


Meyer-Optik Goerlitz has announced its latest ‘world’s fastest’ f/0.95 lens, launching the Nocturnus 75mm f/0.95, priced at €1,899 on an early bird special.

Following on from its 50mm f/0.95 optic launched last month, the German lens maker says the Nocturnus 75mm f/0.95 will have a May 2018 release date and be available in Sony, Leica M and Fuji X mounts.

The new Meyer-Optik Goerlitz lens will boast 15 aperture blades and a clickless aperture ring. Other Nocturnus 75mm f/0.95 specifications include:

  • Focal Length: 75mm
  • Aperture range: f0.95 – f16
  • Mounts: Fuji X, Sony E, Leica M
  • Angle of view: 32°
  • Minimum Focal Distance: 0,9m
  • Filter Thread: 72mm
  • Elements/Glasses: 5 Elements in 5 Groups
  • Aperture Blades: 15, with special anti-reflex coating
  • Weight: ~ 750g

Meyer-Optik says it is releasing the Nocturnus 75mm f/0.95 at a price tag of €1,899 on an early bird special, with the expected retail price post-launch to be €3,499.

Visit Meyer-Optik’s website for more information.

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