The makers of the photo editing console Loupedeck have announced a new software update that gives the recently launched Loupedeck+ compatibility with Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
The expanded compatibility with Premiere Pro means the Loupedeck can now be used for editing video.
Users can customise the buttons with Premiere Pro functions, as well as program several LUTs and switch between them.
Other features include content trimming, clip adjustment and the option to import or export personal Loupedeck configurations.
Loupdeck founder Mikko Kesti said:
“Our mission is to keep on improving the editing workflow, so it’s only fitting our next step is in the video editing space. Just like we developed the Loupedeck+ exclusively from community feedback, we felt it was imperative to listen to what our users had to say and make the device’s functionality even more well-rounded, providing all the same editing functions that photographers have at their fingertips to videographers.
Users can now count on Loupedeck+’s intuitive design and user-friendly approach to enhance their video editing quality and increase their output. Our ongoing partnership with Adobe made introducing these new capabilities with its Premiere Pro CC suite an easy decision.”
Via Engadget