News |Indiecam debuts nakedEYE S4 6K RAW VR cameras

Indiecam debuts nakedEYE S4 6K RAW VR camera

Indiecam debuts nakedEYE S4 6K RAW VR camera

Indiecam will launch the nakedEYE S4, a new VR camera that can record 360-degree video in 12-bit CinemaDNG RAW format.

Indiecam hasn’t yet released an image of what the nakedEYE S4 will look like, but the company has promised it will be ‘amazingly small.’ The image at the top of this page is the current iteration, the nakedEYE.

Newshooter, however, was able to capture some images of an early prototype of the nakedEYE S4 at IBC 2017.

We also know that the new nakedEYE S4 will boast four cameras with global shutters. The current nakedEYE camera features two cameras, each of which has a 2/3in sensor.

Indiecam said it will also be releasing the indiDICE 4K, which will be even smaller than the nakedEYE S4 and can be used for POV shots or with a 360 rig.

We’ll bring you more details as they become available.

Via 360 Rumors

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