News |Huawei, Saatchi Gallery launch exhibition celebrating the selfies

Huawei, Saatchi Gallery launch exhibition celebrating the selfie

Huawei, Saatchi Gallery launch exhibition celebrating the selfie

Smartphone maker Huawei has teamed up with the Saatchi Gallery to launch an exhibition exploring the history of the selfie.

From Selfie to Self-Expression opens at the Saatchi Gallery on 31 March 2017 and claims to be the world’s first exhibition to explore the history of the selfie.

The exhibition traces the self-portrait from the old masters up to present-day photographers, featuring work as diverse as Rembrandt and Cindy Sherman.

What’s more, showing alongside examples of these influential artists’ work will be selfies that have become icons of the digital era.

The exhibition closes on 30 May 2017.

Also announced with the exhibition is a #SaatchiSelfie competition, organised by Hawei and the Saatchi Gallery.

The competition is open to everyone to submit their best selfies, and will be judged by a panel of artists. Winners will have their work showcased at the Saatchi Gallery as part of the From Selfie to Self-Expression exhibition.

For details on how to enter, visit the Saatchi Gallery’s website.


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