In a bid to increase its security bona fides, DJI has announced a new reward scheme for people who successfully report security issues with DJI software.
The DJI Threat Identification Reward Program, or Bug Bounty, offers from $100 up to $30,000 – depending on the potential impact of the threat – to people who can spot flaws in the code of DJI’s apps and other software products and bring it to the company’s attention.
The DJI Threat Identification Reward Program aims to gather insights from researchers and others people who discover issues that may expose threats to the integrity of our users’ private data, such as their personal information or details of the photos, videos and flight logs they create.
DJI’s new ‘Bug Bounty’ scheme is also asking for help identifying issues that may cause its apps to crash or that may affect flight safety, such as DJI’s geofencing restrictions, flight altitude limits and power warnings.
DJI says it is developing a website with full terms of the new scheme, along with a form for reporting potential threats related to DJI’s servers, apps or hardware.
In the meantime, DJI says you can send any reports of bugs to where they will be reviewed by the company’s technical experts.